Working Papers
Published or Acceptes Papers
- Kwangmin Lee, Kyoungjae Lee, and Jaeyong Lee. (2022+). Post-Processed Posteriors for Banded Covariances. Bayesian Analysis. Accepted.
- Kyeongwon Lee, and Jaeyong Lee. (2022.12). Asymptotic properties for Bayesian neural network Besov space. NeurIPS 2022.
- Kyoungjae Lee, Seongil Jo and Jaeyong Lee. (2022.11). The beta-mixture shrinkage prior for sparse covariances with posterior minimax rates. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 192, 105067.
- Jaejoon Lee, Seongil Jo and Jaeyong Lee. (2022.3). Robust sparse Bayesian infinite factor models.Computational Statistics, 37, 2693-2715.
- Youngseon Lee, Seongil Jo, and Jaeyong Lee. (2022.2). A variational inference for the L ́evy adaptive regression with multiple kernels. Computational Statistics, 37, 2493-2515.
- Kwangmin Lee, Kyoungjae Lee and Jaeyong Lee. (2022.2). Estimation of conditional mean operator under the bandable covariance structure. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1), 1253-1302.
- Kyoungjae Lee, Jaeyong Lee and Lizhen Lin. (2019.12) Minimax Posterior Convergence Rates and Model Selection Consistency in High-dimensional DAG Models based on Sparse Cholesky FactorsAnnals of Statistics, 47(6), 3413-3437.
- Suji Lee, Sukjin Han, Sewon Park, Kyeongwon Lee, and Jaeyong Lee. (2019.04). Korean speech recognition using deep learning (in Korean). The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 32(2), 213-227.
이수지, 한석진, 박세원, 이경원과 이재용. (2019.04). 딥러닝 모형을 사용한 한국어 음성인식 응용통계연구, 32(2), 213-227.
- Youngin Jo, Seongil Jo, Yung-Seop Lee and Jaeyong Lee. (2018). Bayesian Temporal Density Estimation with Autoregressive Species Sampling Models Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 47(3), 248-262.
- Kyoungjae Lee and Jaeyong Lee.(2018). Optimal Bayesian Minimax Rates for Unconstrained Large Covariance Matrices Bayesian Analysis, 13(4), 1215-1233.
- Kyoungjae Lee, Jaeyong Lee and Sarat C. Dass. (2018, November). Inference for Differential Equation Models using Relaxation via Dynamical Systems Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 177, 116-134.
- Seongil Jo and Jaeyong Lee. (2018) Discussion on the paper by Peter Mueller, Fernando A. Quintana, and Garritt L. Page Statistical Methods & Applications, 27(2), 227-230.
- Seongil Jo, Jaeyong Lee, Peter Muller, Fernando A. Quintana & Lorenzo Trippa. (2017). Dependent Species Sampling Models for Spatial Density Estimation Bayesian Analysis, 12(2), 379-406.
- Sarat C. Dass, Jaeyong Lee, Kyoungjae Lee & Jonghun Park. (2017). Laplace based approximate posterior inference for differential equation models Statistics and Computing, 27(3), 679-698.
- Jongtaik Choi and Youngseon Lee and Jaeyong Lee and Jangsuk Kim. (2017). Radiocarbon Dating and the Historical Archaeology of Korea: An Alternative Interpretation of Hongryeonbong Fortress II in the Three Kingdoms Period, Central Korea Journal of Field Archaeology, 42(1), 1-12.
- Sarat C. Dass, Jaeyong Lee and Kyoungjae Lee. Bayesian Inference using Two-stage Laplace
Approximation for Differential Equation Models. AIP Conference Proceedings. Eds. Aamir Hussain Bhat, et al. Vol. 1787. No. 1. AIP Publishing.
- Seongil Jo and Jaeyong Lee. (2016). Density Estimation of Summer Extreme Temperature over South Korea using Mixtures of Conditional Autoregressive Species Sampling Model. (in Korean). Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society, 27(5), 1155-1168.
조성일, 이재용. (2016). 혼합 조건부 종추출모형을 이용한 여름철 한국지역 극한기온의 위치별 밀도함수 추정 한국데이터정보과학회지, 27(5), 1155-1168.
- Junseok Lim, Moon-Jung Chae, Yongseok Yang, In-Beom Park, Jaeyong Lee, and Jonghun Park*, (Feb. 2016). Fast Scheduling of Semiconductor Manufacturing Facilities Using Case Based Reasoning, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 29, No. 1, Feb. 2016, pp.22-32.
- Jangsuk Kim, David K Wright, Youngseon Lee, Jaeyong Lee, Seonho Choi, Junkyu Kim, Sung-Mo Ahn, Jongtaik Choi, Chuntaek Seong, Chang Ho Hyun, Jaehoon Hwang, Hyemin Yang and Jiwomn Yang. (March 2016). AMS Dates from Two Archaeological Sites of Korea: Blind Tests Radiocarbon, 58(1), 115-130.
- 황재훈, 김장석, 이영선, 이재용, 송아름, 김준규, 박지영, 양지원, 양혜민, 강승호, 오용제, 안승모, 최종택, 성춘택, David K. Wright, 최선호, 현창호. (2016). 방사선탄소연대의 고목 효과에 대한 실험적 검토 한국상고사학보, 92, 117-149.
- Jo, S., Lee, J., Page, G., Quintana, F., Trippa, L., & Müller, P. (2015). Spatial Species Sampling and Product Partition Models. In Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Biostatistics (pp. 359-375). Springer International Publishing.
- Yaeji Lim, Jaeyong Lee, Hee-seok Oh & Hyun-Suk Kang. (2015). Independent component regression for seasonal climate prediction: an efficient way to improve multimodel ensembles. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 119(3-4), 433-441.
- Minkyu Han & Jaeyong Lee. (2015). Bayesian Typhoon Track Prediction using Wind Vector Data. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods. 22(3), 241-253.
- Youngseon Lee, Jaeyong Lee & Jangsuk Kim. (2015). Bayesian analysis for Uncertainty of Radiocarbon dating. The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 28(3), 371-383.
이영선, 이재용, & 김장석. (2015). 방사성탄소연대측정법의 불확실성에 대한 베이지안 분석. 응용통계연구, 28(3), 371-383.
- Youngseon Lee, Kyoungjae Lee, Kwangmin Lee, Jaeyong Lee & Jinwook Seo. (2015). Introduction to the Indian buffet process: Theory and Applications. The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics. 28(2), 251-268.
이영선, 이경재, 이광민, 이재용, & 서진욱. (2015). 인도부페 프로세스의 소개: 이론과 응용. 응용통계연구, 28(2), 251-267.
- Maengseok Noh et. al. (2015). SRC-Stat Package for Fitting Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models. Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 28(2), 343-351.
- Sehi L’Yi et al. (2015). XCluSim: A visual analytics tool for interactively comparing multiple clustering results of bioinformatics data, BMC Bioinformatics, 16, S5.
- David K. Wright, Scott MacEachern and Jaeyong Lee. (2014). Analysis of Feature Intervisibility and Cumulative Visibility Using GIS, Bayesian and Spatial Statistics: A Study from the Mandara Mountains, Northern Cameroon. PLoS ONE. 9(11).
- Namyee Kim, Geummun Nam, Yuna Kim, Dongkye Lee, Sehyoun Park, Kyoungjae Lee and Jaeyong Lee. (2014). Identification and classification of fresh lubricants and used engine oils by GC/MS and bayesian model. Analytical Science and Technology. 27(1), 41-59.
- Yaeji Lim, Seongil Jo, Jaeyong Lee, Hee-seok Oh, Sang-Goo Lee, Yongtae Park and Hyun-Suk Kang. (2014). Multimodel ensemble forecasting of rainfall over East Asia : regularized regression approach. International Journal of Climatology. 34(14), 3720-3731.
- Jaeyong Lee. (2013). BOOK REVIEW: Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis (C.L. Alston, K.L. Mengersen, and A.N. Pettitt). Biometrics. 69(3), 798.
- A. Armagan, D. B. Dunson, Jaeyong Lee, W. U. Bajwa and N. Strawn. (2013). Posterior consistency in linear models under shrinkage priors. Biometrika, 100(4), 1011-1018.
- Ji-Won Kim, Kwang-Yul Kim, Maeng-Ki Kim, Chun-Ho Cho, Youngjo Lee, and Jaeyong Lee. (2013). Statistical Multisite Simulations of Summertime Precipitation over South Korea and Its Future Change Based on Observational data. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 49(5), 687-702.
- Jaeyong Lee, Fernando A. Quintana, Peter Muller and Lorenzo Trippa. (2013). Defining predictive probability functions for species sampling models. Statistical Science, 28(2), 209-222.
- Jaeyong Lee and Hee-Seok Oh. (2013). Bayesian Regression Based on Principal Components for High-Dimensional Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 117, 175-192.
- Artin Armagan, David B. Dunson and Jaeyong Lee. (2013). Generalized double Pareto shrinkage. Statistica Sinica. 23(1), 119-144.
- Youngin Jo, Youn-Hee Lim , Ho Kim and Jaeyong Lee. (2012). Bayesian analysis for heat effects on mortality. (in Korean) Communications of the Korean Statistical Society. 19(5), 705-720.
- Seongil Jo, Yaeji Lim, Jaeyong Lee, Hee-Seok Oh and Hyun-Suk Kang. (2012). Bayesian Regression Model for Seasonal Forecast of Precipitation over Korea. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 48(3), 205-212.
- Yaeji Lim, Seongil Jo, Jaeyong Lee, Hee-Seok Oh and Hyun-Suk Kang. (2012). An improvement of seasonal climate prediction by regularized canonical correlation analysis. International Journal of Climatology. 32, 1503-1512.
- Yaeji Lim, Seongil Jo, Jaeyong Lee, Hee-Seok Oh and Hyun-Suk Kang. (2012). Prediction of East Asian Summer Precipitation via Independent Component Analysis. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 48(2), 125-134.
- Jaeyong Lee (2011). Bayesian nonparametric statistics. International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Part 2, 99-101.
~ 2010
- Jaeyong Lee (2010). Species Sampling Model and its Application to Bayesian Statistics. Chapter 6 in Frontiers of Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysis: In Honor of James O. Berger. M.-H. Chen, D. Dey, P. Mueller, D. Sun, and K. Ye (eds.), Springer (New York), 194-207.
- Donghwan Lee, Hyungmi An, Youngjo Lee, Jaeyong Lee, Hyo-Shin Lee, and Hee-Seok Oh (2010) Improved Multisite Stochastic Weather Generation with Applications to Historical Data in South Korea. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 46(4), 497-504.
- Gun Ho Jang, Jaeyong Lee, Sangyeol Lee (2010). Posterior consistency of species sampling priors. Statistica Sinica. 20, 581-593.
- Yaeji Lim, Seongil Jo, Jaeyong Lee, Hee-Seok Oh, Hyun-Suk Kang. (2009). Climate prediction by a hybrid method with emphasizing future precipitation change of east Asia. The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics. 22(6), 1143-1152.
- Dongchu Sun, Jaeyong Lee, Paul Speckman (2009). Existence of the MLE and propriety of poste- riors for a general multinomial choice model. Statistica Sinica. 19, 731-748.
- Taeryon Choi, Jaeyong Lee, Anindya Roy (2009). A note on the Bayes factor in a semiparametric regression model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 100, 1316-1327.
- Eunyeon Hwang, Yongchan Kwon, Dongik Jang, Jaeyong Lee, Hee-seok Oh (2008). Modeling the trend of apartment market price in Seoul. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods. 15, 173- 192.
- Jaeyong Lee. (2008). Nonparametric Bayesian analysis of clustered survival data. Statistics. Volume 42, Issue 6 December 2008, 515 – 526
- Hee-Seok Oh, Jaeyong Lee and Donghoh Kim. (2008). A Recipe for Robust Estimation using Pseudo Data. JKSS, 37, 63-72.
- Jaeyong Lee and Yongchan Kwon. (2007). Posterior computation of survival model with discrete approximation. JKSS, 26, 321-333.
- Jaeyong Lee. (2007). Sampling methods for neutral to the right processes. JCGS, 16, 3, 656-671.
- Jaeyong Lee, Jinseog Kim and Sin-Ho Jung (2007). Bayesian analysis of paired survival data using a bivariate exponential distribution. Lifetime Data Analysis, 13, 119-137.
- Yongdai Kim, Jaeyong Lee and Jinseog Kim (2005). Bayesian bootstrap analysis of doubly censored data using Gibbs sampler. Statistica Sinica, 15, 969-980.
- Jaeyong Lee (2005). A simulation study of Bayesian proportional hazard model with beta process prior. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 34, 235-244.
- Jaeyong Lee (2005). Disscussion on ”On model expansion, model contraction, identifiability and prior information: two illustrative scenarios involving mismeasured variables”. Statistical Science, 20, 136-137.
- Jaeyong Lee (2005). Sampling methods of nondecreasing independent increment processes. Pro ceeding of Fifth Asia Conference on Statistics.
- Yongdai Kim and Jaeyong Lee (2004).Bernstein-von Mises theorem in the right censoring model. Annals of Statistics, 32, 1492-1512.
- Jaeyong Lee and Yongdai Kim (2004). A new algorithm to generate beta processes. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 47, 441-453.
- Sarat C. Dass and Jaeyong Lee (2004).On the consistency of Bayes factors for testing point null versus nonparametric alternatives. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 119, 143-151.
- Jaeyong Lee and Yongdai Kim (2003). Statistical analysis of survival models with Bayesian boot- strap. Chapter 10 in Recent Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics, M. G. Akritas and D. N. Politis eds. Elsevier (North Holland).
- Jaeyong Lee and James O. Berger. (2003). Space-time modeling of vertical ozone profiles. Envi- ronmetrics, 14, 617-639.
- Yongdai Kim and Jaeyong Lee. (2003). Bayesian bootstrap for proportional hazard models. Annals of Statistics, 31, 1905-1922.
- Yongdai Kim and Jaeyong Lee (2003). Bayesian analysis of proportional hazard models. Annals of Statistics, 29, 493-511.
- Alan F. Karr, Jaeyong Lee, Ashish Sanil, Joel Hernandez, Sousan Karimi, Karen Litwin (2002). Web-based systems that disseminate information from databases but protect confidentiality. Chap- ter 11 (pp180-196) in Advances in Digital Government: Technology, Human Factors and Policy, W. J. McIver, Jr. and A. K. Elmagarmid, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
- Jaeyong Lee and James O. Berger. (2001). Semiparametric Bayesian analysis of selection models. JASA, 96, 1397-1409.
- Yongdai Kim and Jaeyong Lee. (2001). On posterior consistency of survival models. Annals of Statistics, 29, 666-686.
- Jaeyong Lee. (2001). On posterior consistency in selection models. Statistica Sinica, 11, 827-842.
- Karr, A., Lee, J., Sanil, A., Hernandez, J., Karimi, S. and Litwin, K. (2001). Disseminating information but protecting confidentiality. IEEE Computer, 34, 36-37.
- Jaeyong Lee, Christopher Hollman, Alan F. Karr and Ashish P.Sanil. (2001). Analysis of aggregated data in survey sampling with application to fertilizer/pesticide usage survey. Research in Official Statistics, 4, 101-115.